Good Riddance! – Thomas Sowell, National Review
Mr. Sowell explains here why Justice John Paul Stevens has been no friend to freedom-loving Americans. His ruling regarding the Kelo case is now infamous, and Mr. Sowell explains why eloquently: “Just who was this provision of the Constitution supposed to restrict? Answer: government officials. And to whom would Justice Stevens defer? Answer: government officials. Why would those who wrote the Constitution waste good ink putting that protection in there, if not to protect citizens from the very government officials to whom Justice Stevens deferred?” – Dick Young
The Nullification Crisis, Coming to a State Near You – A.W.R. Hawkins, Human Events
Liberty, not the strength of the union, is the goal of the U.S. Constitution and should be at the heart of any decisions made by government. The federal government’s role as established in the Constitution is to protect the liberties of citizens, not to restrict them. The powerful states’ rights movement working its way through America should be appreciated by both liberals and conservatives for allowing local traditions and values to guide law, not the federal government. – Dick Young
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