Garland Favored to Succeed Justice Stevens – John Gizzi, Human Events
No gems are going to come out in the Obama administration’s choice for Supreme Court justice, but Merrick Garland is probably the best of the liberal bunch. Mr. Gizzi explains that Garland would be the least controversial pick, increasing his stock as the next potential Supreme Court justice in this election year. – Dick Young
From New Deal to Bad Deal: Government as the Fourth Bubble – Newt Gingrich, Human Events
As Newt points out, “The Western democracies (and Japan) have been steadily strangling themselves with more and more government, more and more red tape, higher and higher taxes.” The U.S. has the second-highest corporate taxes in the OECD. That simply cannot be good for the country’s competitiveness. – Dick Young
The Preemptive Tax Revolt – Rich Lowry, National Review
Look for a VAT tax and a renewed push for “carbon taxation” coming soon. The Obama administration, if it isn’t actively trying to sink the country, will absolutely have to find some way to pay for its largesse. Taxing business activity through a VAT and essentially any activity through a tax on carbon will add enormous amounts of money to the federal coffers. Of course, that money will be taken away from recession-starved Americans. – Dick Young
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