According to the erudite Taki Theodoracopulos, the mind-warping distortion of the idea of reverence being associated with a hustler and criminal like Al Sharpton necessitates the use of quotes around reverend.
Taki writes, “In view of the recent cold-blooded murders of two policemen, the depraved anti-cop rhetoric of Sharpton and de Blasio (NY mayor Bill) needs to be called into account, starting with the White House.”
Charles Barkley doesn’t mince his words. Many of his fellow blacks were not best pleased when he told young African-Americans a while ago to forget about basketball and stay in school. After Ferguson, Barkley did not join the race hustlers, liberal media, and the rest of the self-promoters inciting violence. Instead he said in a radio interview that there was no excuse to be out there burning cars and burning down people’s businesses. Bravo, Barkley, says Taki; here’s a great athlete who tells it like it is. He went on to point out that if it weren’t for the cops, “we would be living in the wild, wild West in our neighborhoods.”
Compare Barkley with the “Rev.” Al Sharpton—I use quotes for “reverend” because of the mind-warping distortion of the idea of reverence when applied to this hustler and criminal. A man who falsely accused innocent men of rape and profited in the ensuing publicity; one who led months of protest against a shop owner in Harlem, calling him a “white interloper”; someone whose rhetoric encouraged a black thug to shoot several customers and set fire to the place; and one who, after seven innocent people died, refused to apologize but went ahead to cheat on his taxes and stiff the IRS for millions in back taxes. This is the man who dines with Obama and advises him on race, not Charles Barkley. With leaders like Sharpton, is it any wonder that black America is in trouble?
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