Tea Partiers to Congressional Democrats: You’ll Pay in November – FOXNews.com
Massive voter registration drives, great conservative candidates, and a groundswell of fund-raising will overwhelm Democrats. The message will be simple: repeal Obamacare and get rid of Obama. – Dick Young
Wake Up, There Is Work to Do! – FreedomWorks.org
Mr. Kibbe is correct. The taxes related to the health-care bill will be devastating to economic recovery. And as I’ve said before, America’s risk-taking small business owners will really take it in the neck. This November look for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to mount a historic charge against Democrats. The American people rejected Obamacare by a large margin and reject the Obama presidency. Rhode Island, Virginia, and Idaho have now joined the “no way we’ll pay” fight. – Dick Young
Are Kentucky Republicans Rigging Senate Race Against Rand Paul? – Infowars.com
Here’s a blood-boiler. Want to know how a fellow with zero worthwhile experience can be elected president of the U.S.? It’s easy when he’s running against a party that has lost its way and a fumbling non-conservative competitor who admits he knows little about the economy and suspends his lame campaign halfway through the race. This article highlights eight specific factors Republicans don’t like about Rand Paul, a Republican senatorial candidate in Kentucky. With the single exception of Mr. Paul’s opposition to the Patriot Act, I’m with him all the way. If this is the approach Republicans plan to take in the fall, the TEA party ship will be sunk. The Iraq war, the Fed, the Wall Street bailout, the Department of Education, the federal income tax—come on. All are wretched schemes and should be obliterated. Wake up, Republicans. – Dick Young
ACORN to Shut Down in Wake of Scandal – FOXNews.com
Thank you, Glenn Beck. Last night, seven people in my household were watching the best Glenn Beck show ever. After the show, I asked my two grandkids how they liked the show. The answer was “awesome.” I asked my 92-year-old mother-in-law how she liked Glenn Beck. The answer was “terrific.” At the end of the show, my eight-year-old granddaughter said, “I want to move out of the country, who’s with me?” She concluded that the president is “a stupidhead.” You can fill in the blanks here. Glenn Beck is attracting a huge, deeply concerned audience of all ages. All are united against the most destructive administration in my lifetime. And for the record, as an independent, I can assure Americans that the Republicans have not been much better. Here I’m referring to Bush/McCain Republicans, not Republicans like Rand Paul, Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and Thomas Jefferson. – Dick Young
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