Commentary by Dick Young on Waning Economic Recovery Fuels Global Uncertainty by Mark Whitehouse, Marcus Walker and Joann S. Lublin, The Wall Street Journal
The phony recovery is starting to show its true colors. Democrats planned a strong economy for November by taking American’s dollars and giving them back just in time to make the economy seem strong. Unfortunately for them their timing was off by about six months. The trumped up stimulus growth is subsiding, and Americans are more worried than ever about the state of the economy.
Commentary by E.J. Smith on Darth Boehner by the editors of The Wall Street Journal
You may have heard about that little book on community organizing by Saul Alinsky called Rules for Radicals, specifically Rule #13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” President Obama seems to be following it to a “T” for the final push to November 2, by ganging up on House Minority leader John Boehner. I just hope Mr. Boehner holds the line on taxes by refusing to compromise for his own political gain. The economy is too fragile for these radical political games.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Driving in Reverse by The Prowler, The American Spectator
Can anyone seriously believe that Rahm Emanuel, the Obama administration, and Mayor Daley of Chicago didn’t all already know Daley was retiring after this term? The trial balloons sent up earlier this year were used to test out the idea of Rahm running for mayor of Chicago. The administration is looking for any way to get rid of Rahm, his filthy mouth and all. However, after having built Rahm up into some kind of Democratic-demigod status, Obama can’t just toss him overboard now without getting egg on his face. Enter the Chicago mayor plan. This plan works for both Rahm and the administration, and if Rahm loses he is obviously not the demigod everyone thought and the Obama administration can proceed to bash him all they want. This is a perfect political play by the Obama administration to oust a man they are tired of.
Commentary by Timothy Jones on Notable & Quotable from The Wall Street Journal
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is potentially vulnerable in her race for the junior senate seat in New York. I grew up with Gillibrand as my congressional representative. My home district was conservative and Gillibrand played to that conservative stance. When she was appointed senator, Gillibrand’s votes became almost exactly like those of the New York City Democrat Chuck Schumer. A strong conservative candidate could use Gillibrand’s flip-flopping to unseat her.
Commentary by Dick Young on Tax-Cut Debate Becomes Cloudier by Jonathan Weisman and Laura Meckler, The Wall Street Journal
After raising taxes multiple times on Americans of every income bracket, Barack Obama is now telling them that the GOP is holding them hostage. The GOP if fighting to keep tax rates low for both low income and high income Americans. Doing so will allow America’s small businesses to keep more of their profits and use those profits to hire more employees, become more productive, or take a vacation. Any one of those uses would be much better for the economy than sending the money to Washington D.C. to be doled out to the special interests of the Democratic Party. There’s no Keynesian multiplier for money handed out to firms with the best lobbyists.
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