Oil Talk – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
President Obama surely isn’t going to let a crisis go to waste. He and buddy Rahm Emanuel are surely going to exploit the gulf oil spill for all it’s worth and use it to scare Americans into supporting cap and trade legislation. That is the pattern with the Obama crowd, scaring Americans into doing what they want them to do. First Americans were told that if they didn’t support a stimulus the country would fall apart, that stimulus has done nothing but increase the deficit. Then they were told to be terrified if healthcare legislation didn’t pass in a hurry, but what benefits have Americans seen that couldn’t have used a bit more time for debate? None. Now Americans are being told that if they don’t get behind cap and trade legislation that the oceans will rise up like a biblical event and punish them for their addiction to carbon. Well it’s ridiculous and disingenuous of the President to once again use the politics of fear to scare the American people into supporting his agenda. If they thought his ideas were any good, they would support them already. In November Americans will have the chance to fight back at the polls. – Dick Young
Obama’s Snake-Oil Spill – Thomas Sowell, National Review
Thuggishly threatening criminal lawsuits and PR appearances by the President show that the President has no clue about what he’s doing in the gulf. Chicagoland thug politics aren’t going to save the pelicans. The President needs to get over himself, and get on to leading the country. America needs more decent, hard working politicians like Ron Paul to effectively change the way the country is run. – Timothy Jones
Life Savior
Does Prosecco Deserve Its Sparkling Success? – Lettie Teague, The Wall Street Journal
Say what you will about Prosecco, its popularity is growing. This sparkling wine is now officially attached to a particular growing region in Italy. But Prosecco needs to be consumed while it is young. Learn how to decode the codes on the back labels and get advice from “the reigning best sommelier in the world” on which Proseccos travel well and are particularly drinkable. – Deborah Young
Obama’s Malaise Speech
You may recall, in dealing with his own energy crisis back in 1979, Jimmy Carter addressed the nation from the Oval Office in what became known as the “malaise speech.” Last night, President Obama, in his own “malaise speech,” showed that he is using an energy crisis to push his administration’s radical agenda. In April, Glenn Beck revealed the players that stand to benefit from cap and trade legislation. Surprise! They aren’t your typical Americans. This is groundbreaking. – E.J. Smith
We’ll Ease Suffering By Raising Energy Bills – Iain Murray, National Review
In typical fashion for President Obama, he has promised that the way to a better future is through greater bureaucratic control of your life. If only you allow government to take command of more of your life, you will surely be happier. Health care, now cap and trade, next of course will be unionization of your workplace, then who knows, the sky is the limit. – Dick Young
Rep. Bachmann Receives Honor, Slams Obama – Brett Carr, Human Events
Michele Bachmann called socialized medical care the lynchpin of socializing any country. The excuse that the sick must be helped by government is always hard to resist. A society must help its needy, that is one cornerstone of civilization. For centuries the church took care of the needy. Now radical progressives would like to remove every vestige of the church from daily life and replace it with government control. In every place where the church used to be at the forefront of efforts to help society, progressives have placed government. – Timothy Jones
Is Rahmbo Becoming a Must-Go? – Andrea Billups, Human Events
Even the air of unethical behavior that accompanies the Joe Sestak job offer is enough to recommend that Rahm Emanuel vacate the White House. If nothing illegal occurred, surely something unethical occurred and if Barack Obama can’t do better in a chief of staff than Rahm Emanuel, perhaps he should resign as well. – Dick Young
Guns and Free Speech – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
I have been shooting rifles since the age of three, and have been an NRA member for over a decade, but I find that sometimes the NRA, in its zeal to protect the 2nd Amendment often simply protects itself. The “NRA carve out” in Chuck Schumer’s new campaign finance law is unfair, to say the least. The new law should be scrapped altogether, and the NRA should remember that free speech and other rights protected by the Bill of Rights are just as important to protect as the 2nd Amendment, and as the NRA loves to say, the reason for the 2nd Amendment is to protect the others. Check out Dick Young’s Liberty & Freedom Map for more info on the 2nd Amendment. – Timothy Jones
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