Heritage Foundation Hits Obama Claim – Matt Hadro, Human Events
Heritage Foundation President Dr. Ed Feulner writes, “We oppose this new (healthcare) law because it is a radical new intrusion into the daily lives of all Americans and a massive takeover of one-sixth of the U.S. economy.” Dr. Feulner touches on the ghastly potential hiring of 16,000 new IRS enforcement agents, but he doesn’t address the IRS’s pump shotgun requisition order. Apparently the Obama administration now believes that IRS field enforcement agents must undergo “combat training” and greet America’s risk-taking, job-creating small business owners at their places of business armed with Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12-gauge pump-action shotguns. These frightful full-bore riot guns will be in the hands of what the IRS refers to as its Criminal Investigation Division. Trust me, I own Mossberg semiautomatic shotguns. For someone with no experience with firearms, just the sight of these things would be a most unpleasant and frightening occasion. To me, this has the feel of a police state. For a fuller look at the IRS shotgun issue, visit the American Thinker Web site or look at the IRS requisition order itself. Finally, for the record, I am a Heritage Foundation benefactor. – Dick Young
Reasons You Love NRO – Jack Fowler, National Review
NRO is a powerful leader in the fight against the Obama-fronted Radical Progressive Movement’s socialist/Marxist takeover of the U.S. economy. This radical takeover looks to hit America’s small business owners with card check and ever more layers of daunting red tape, bureaucracy, and regulation. Organizations like NRO are working hard to head off the catastrophe that, I’m sorry to say, is now unfolding in front of our eyes. I have contributed to the NRO cause and will again. NRO desperately needs all our help. – Dick Young
Next Battle: Immigration – Victor Davis Hanson, National Review
The endgame here is amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens. The Radical Progressive Movement (RPM) wants to stop construction of the metal border fence. Isn’t that just great news for Texas and Arizona residents already sickened by the recent killing of a prominent rancher. The RPM will want to give health care to all the 11 million illegals, provided by the 3.8% Obamacare tax President Obama aims to slap on America’s risk-taking, job-creating small business owners. The RPM’s goal will be to treat illegals as citizens with all the rights you pay for. This will lead to 11 million probable new Democratic voters, a number much larger than the 8.5-million-vote edge Obama held over John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. Rick Perry in Texas must be a leader against a potential amnesty debacle, as should J.D. Hayworth in J.D.’s fast-building campaign against John McCain in the Arizona Senate primary. – Dick Young
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