Lt. Col. Allen West gives amazing 4th of July speech! – The Right Scoop
This is a great speech by Lt. Colonel Allen West, who is running for Congress in Florida’s 22nd district. – Dick Young
Sen. Cornyn: Neutered by Kagan? – A.W.R. Hawkins, Human Events
Jon Cornyn and many other Senate Republicans need to wake up. What are they thinking even entertaining the idea of sending political operative Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court without a filibuster? Kagan is committed to the socialist state and will back the Obama regime’s policies 100%. Why on earth would the GOP want to allow that? – Dick Young
The Gathering of the Libertarian Tribes – Shawn Macomber, The American Spectator
Shawn Macomber, in his interview of Mark Skousen brings up the great point that Americans, instead of running to government to solve their problems during this recession have taken a firm stand against big government. Americans acknowledge the part government played in the credit crisis with the encouragement given to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to build enormous unsustainable balance sheets. Mark Skousen notes that Americans are becoming “benefit corrupted,” by Social Security and other social insurance programs. Skousen mentions the Sovereign Society that helps Americans offshore their lives, or even become citizens of other countries. Skousen’s FreedomFest will be held in Las Vegas, July 8th – July 10th. – Dick Young
Mini Card Check Advanced by Obama Appointees – John Gizzi, Human Events
The Obama administration has used executive branch authority to essentially enact card check for railroad and airline workers. After the American people, and even their representation in Congress, soundly rejected card check, the President has secretly moved forward a ruling through the National Mediation Board without even telling the one conservative on the three person board that the measure existed. This is treacherous cronyism of the first order. – Dick Young
Parasitic Tort Lawyers – John Stossel, Townhall
A great quote from John Stossel, “I’ve come to think of lawyers the way I think about nuclear missiles. We need them to keep us safe. But we avoid using missiles because we understand the collateral damage they do. We ought to avoid lawyers for the same reason.” Stossel also points out that even though the direct costs of tort litigation may be very small, the indirect costs of the fear of tort legislation are enormous. How many doctors have packed up due to fear of lawsuits? How much more supply would be injected into the market for healthcare had those doctors stuck it out? – Dick Young
The Massachusetts Health-Care ‘Train Wreck’ – Joseph Rago, The Wall Street Journal
According to the President, Obamacare is supposed to be just like the Romneycare health care system in Massachusetts. If that’s the case, America is in trouble. Romneycare is buckling and politicians in Massachusetts won’t allow insurance companies to raise premiums nearly fast enough to save the system from overload. If this is the future of Obamacare, the country is doomed. There are better ways to provide Americans with healthcare. – Deborah Young
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