What Jefferson Wrought – Rich Lowry, National Review
At this time of year, the celebration of the independence of America, Jefferson’s words, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” are recalled more than a few times. With those words Jefferson spells out the unalienable rights that this nation is bound to protect. Recent equivocation by Elena Kagan on whether or not these rights do exist is disheartening at best and terrifying if she is to be appointment to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. – Dick Young
Top 10 Reasons Kagan Should Be Rejected – Brett Carr, Human Events
Kagan is an absolute political activist who will surely help to diminish the protections of the Second Amendment if appointed to the Supreme Court. She is absolutely unqualified for the bench and no one can honestly expect her to read the law in an unbiased way. Kagan has been a political activist her entire life, even lamenting “the decline of socialism in America.” – Dick Young
DOJ Stonewalling Black Panthers Case – Rep. Frank Wolf, Human Events
For a taste of what a Barack Obama appointee will do in a judicial capacity, take a look at what his appointments to the Department of Justice have done. After a slam dunk case was nearly won against a group of Black Panthers who intimidated voters in Philadelphia, the DOJ politicos appointment by Barack Obama, and backed wholeheartedly by congressional Democrats, were given a get out of jail free card. Inexplicable as it may be, it seems the Justice Department under Barack Obama doesn’t care to protect civil liberties. – Dick Young
Constitutional Confusion – W. James Antle, III, American Spectator
Mr. Antle describes Elena Kagan’s view of the constitution as “Robert’s Rules of Order.” In which the constitution is simply a procedural document, not one that protects the rights of an entire nation from the overreach of federal government. The tenth, and to a large extent the ninth amendments would disagree. Kagan, and liberals like her, adamantly oppose a reading of the constitution that would limit government power, because they adamantly support a centrally planned socialist state where government is the be all and end all in America. Ask yourself how Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court can even be taken seriously by nearly two-thirds of the United States Senate. – Dick Young
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