DISGRACE – |disˈgrās| noun
– loss of reputation or respect, esp. as the result of a dishonorable action
What can Lindsey Graham be thinking? Yesterday he joined the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee in voting to move Elena Kagan’s nomination on to the full Senate. The votes on the committee broke down exactly as they had for Sonia Sotomayor. No conservative can possibly think that the confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor was good for America. Why would any think that Kagan would be any less harmful to the principles of the constitution? At least Sotomayor was a judge, a radical judge, but a judge. Kagan is a political operative being installed to protect Barack Obama’s legacy, nothing more. South Carolina conservatives must take it to Graham hard. He is the last line of defense between Americans and a Marx-influenced, constitutional manipulator and rock solid foe of the second amendment sitting on the bench of the Supreme Court. Lindsey Graham must face a primary challenge from a true conservative in 2014. If South Carolina law permits a recall, that’s an option that ought to be pursued. South Carolina conservatives must tell Graham exactly how they feel about this betrayal. – Dick Young
GOP: Keep Bush Tax Cuts to Create Jobs – Donald Lambro, Human Events
GOP leadership must come out strong in the media now and push for an across the board extension of the Bush tax cuts. The uncertainty created by Democrats wanting to let the cuts sunset is killing business planning. If the cuts are allowed to expire, businesses will be whacked with Clinton-era tax rates that many of them can’t afford today. Rather than raising taxes to pay for Barack Obama’s spending agenda, why not take out the hatchet and trim down the massive budgets being passed by Congress on a yearly basis? – Dick Young
Democrats Renew Their War on America’s Youth – Philip Klein, The American Spectator
Harry Reid is criticizing his senatorial race opponent, Republican Sharron Angle, about wanting to reform Social Security. Apparently Reid doesn’t see the multi-trillion dollar train heading down the tracks, straight for the American people. Without reform of Social Security, America’s youth will be left with a broken system, higher taxes, and a heavy government burden that will stifle growth for decades. Why would Reid criticize Angle for wanting to reform such a disaster? Reid is trying to scare up support from senior citizens, who he hopes will believe Angle is trying to take away their Social Security checks. Nothing could be further from the truth. – Dick Young
Suing Obamacare – Douglas Smith, The American Spectator
Douglas Smith hits the nail on the head here. The administration is attempting to avoid a lawsuit that could declare Obamacare unconstitutional. For the sake of the American people, these lawsuits must go to court, and have a fair hearing. If this lawsuit fails, Americans will be nearing the end of their legal options when it comes to battling Obamacare. – Dick Young
A Year and a Half of President Obama – Deroy Murdock, National Review
What exactly has Barack Obama done for you in the eighteen months he has been in office? Raised your taxes multiple times, increased government spending to levels not seen since FDR, and attempted to fill the Supreme Court with rabid anti-constitutional second amendment haters. And that ain’t all, as they say. Underneath the torrent of Marxist policies being forced on Americans is an administration with a childish attitude towards foreign policy and a ridiculous Hollywood lifestyle. It seems these jokers are more interested in being on Late Night than in actually helping the country. The next few years will surely be more of the same. Watch for many more appearances of the administrative team on runways, late night talk shows, and perhaps cameo appearances on American Idol and Survivor. – Timothy Jones
Notable & Quotable – John Fund, The Wall Street Journal
The liberal media, always denying a liberal bent, have now been shown to be exactly what they are; a propaganda machine for the Democratic party. The collusion of ideas from liberal journalists on Journolist is probably only one of the many examples of liberal journalistic story-setting. These journalists are on a mission to protect the Democratic Party, integrity be damned. – Dick Young
Washington’s Tax Oracles – Review & Outlook, The Wall Street Journal
Whether a tax cut reduces government revenue or not, should not matter. There is plenty of wasteful spending to be cut before the validity of cutting taxes should even be a question on anyone’s tongue. The federal government could find all the revenues it needs by simply trimming out the ridiculous over expenditure in its outlays. – Dick Young
Obama’s Economic Fish Stories – Michael Boskin, The Wall Street Journal
As president Obama tours the country telling Americans how wonderful the economic recovery is doing, many of them must be getting sick to their stomachs. There is no American in the country that thinks the economy is fixed, and certainly none think the president has helped it. This lack of truth from the president will end up hurting his party in November, not helping it. – Timothy Jones
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