Originally posted December 3, 2015.
Here you can see terrorists in Paris with fully automatic AK-47s not legal in France.
Every time there is an attention getting gun-related incident “gun controllers” like Hillary Clinton roll out the gun prohibition list wagon. Last time I checked I was on just such a list. I have been on before and no one would tell me why. But I was sent a detailed form that I could fill in and send off to the FBI in order to facilitate my removal from the “no buy” list. The first time I realized I was on the government list a few years ago, I did nothing and waited. Eventually my name was removed. I have not bothered to check recently to see if my name has been removed this second time. When I feel the need to add to our already loaded arsenal, I will give it a go. And yes, the government, as I have found out, is under no obligation to tell me a thing as to why I have been on the list. Ok, so what?
As John R. Lott, Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, tells readers:
Putting people on a list and prohibiting them from legally purchasing guns doesn’t really stop them from getting weapons. The fact that people are prohibited from buying certain drugs doesn’t mean people can’t get them. It’s the same with guns. And, incidentally, drug gangs supply both illegal drugs and illegal guns. Indeed, since Clinton wants to make a comparison to last week’s Paris attacks, we should point out that France’s strict weapon bans didn’t stop the terrorists from getting the AK-47’s and explosive belts they used in the attacks.
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