And this time even behind Al Sharpton. The Zimmerman trial is over and will go no further. From the start, it was an open and shut case. And yet Barack Obama continues to stir the racial fires. Pat Buchanan offers some frightening statistics that show just how far President Obama and, for that matter, Al Sharpton are off course. Americans should be outraged.
Obama moved swiftly off the trial and into a rambling discourse on the black experience and racial profiling.
But why? The jury said Trayvon was not profiled.
What is Obama up to? Answer. A law professor, he knows this case, based on evidence and testimony, was open and shut. And he knows Eric Holder is not going to file any hate-crime civil rights charges.
Because Holder and Obama know they would be seen as caving to Sharpton & Co., they would get stuffed in court, and the nation would react with outrage to a double-jeopardy, murder-charge, racial prosecution of this persecuted man whose innocence was established in a court of law.
So Obama swiftly changed the subject.
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