Michael Scheuer, former CIA bin Laden unit chief, knows a little about how to protect Americans. And Mike thinks our time may be running out.
Before Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their party pit Americans against each other by cynically twisting the Islamic State’s Orlando victory into a so-called hate crime, and use it as a tool to negate the right to bear arms, Americans must recognize that it is the common policies and actions of the Obama/Clinton, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton administrations that motivated the killing or wounding of more than 100 of their fellow citizens in a Florida nightclub. Americans also must accept that there are many more such events to come.
These presidents have left Americans with only two choices, either end U.S. interventionism now or be ready — even in the dilapidated condition just noted — to wage a U.S.-casualty-filled world war, which, to be won, would require readopting a style of war-making that produces numbers of dead among the Islamists and their civilian supporters that the world has not seen since 1939-1945. And the time to make this choice is fast running out.
If Americans do not elect a president who puts America first, stops overseas intervention, and refrains from helping to kill Americans, the republic’s choice will come down to one, kill or be killed. In such a situation, the republic’s survival could well be a very long shot.
More from Scheuer here on the 2016 election:
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