- Kamala Harris, as a mixed-race female, gives Joe Biden brownie points with the BLM-Antifa mob, grants Roger Kimball in Spectator.US.
- ?
Ms. Harris’s behavior as a prosecutor and attorney general of California will win her no plaudits with BLM/Antifa fanatics. But in any event, Biden will take California.
How Will Harris Play to the Rest of the Country
“Not well,” Mr. Kimball predicts.
You remember Kamala Harris. She’s the one who, as California’s Attorney General, held back exculpatory evidence about a chap on death row in order to burnish her ‘tough on crime’ image. That was before her leadership role in savaging Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court — the single most disgusting attempted political assassination I have ever witnessed. And it was also before her vicious attack on — why, it was on the puppet himself, on Joe Biden for being against forced busing back in the day.
President Harris?
Were Joe Biden to win, continues Mr. Kimball, “we would very soon have a President Harris. Biden’s ostentatious incapacity would require his early removal from office.”
I think it likely that Joe Biden is not allowed to tie his shoes without the OK from his handlers. Did they really approve of Kamala Harris as veep? Perhaps in this one case, Biden made the call himself. It would argue strenuously against his being compos mentis. But what else is new?