Nancy Pelosi has directly presided over the worst recession since the Great Depression. Unlike Barack Obama, Pelosi doesn’t have the benefit of claiming it isn’t her fault. Pelosi took control of the House in 2006; she is just as responsible as anyone in the Bush administration for the mess America is in today.
But not only is Pelosi part of the nation’s economic problems, she is part of the Democratic Party’s problems. If the Democratic Party wants to be seen as a viable alternative in this center-right country, it must pivot away from the socialist / extreme liberal policies pursued by Nancy Pelosi and her lieutenants, namely Barney Frank, Henry Waxman, and Charlie Rangel.
The calls for Pelosi’s ouster are becoming louder in the ranks of Democrats who remain in the House after the election devastated them. The problem for moderate Democrats, and America in general, is that owing to the massive decrease in numbers among those moderate Dems, only the most liberal wing nuts in the Democratic Party are still in office. They think the reason they lost the 2010 election was that the Party didn’t act liberal enough, not that they were too liberal.
This is a gross miscalculation, and if these wombats decide to reelect Nancy Pelosi to leadership, they will lose more seats in 2012. I hope they do just that. Even the uber-liberal Massachusetts Fourth District gave Sean Bielat an astounding number of votes against the Brookline Barnacle, Barney Frank. Who knows what’s in store for 2012?
Americans won’t hesitate to toss out more liberals in 2012 if they hinder the budget-balancing, spending-cutting, regulation-decreasing agenda of the conservatives in Congress. Look for a major in-party fight over Nancy Pelosi, or else the Democrats will be doomed to more losses in two years.