“How should such an investigation proceed in a democratic republic whose norms forbid an incumbent administration, in the absence of strong evidence of egregious misconduct, from directing its counterintelligence and law-enforcement powers against its political opposition,” Andrew McCarthy asks at NRO.
Rep. Gowdy, Senator Rubio and General Clapper claim that the Justice Department and the FBI, under the direction of the Obama administration’s senior political leadership, were just doing what is expected of them, and that they should be applauded.
“But this claim is based on the easily refuted fiction that the Justice Department and FBI were not investigating the Trump campaign, writes Mr. McCarthy. “The claim also ignores the stubborn fact that, if all the Obama administration had been trying to do was check out a few bad apples with suspicious Russia ties, this could easily have been done by alerting the Trump campaign and asking for its help.”
“Instead, Obama officials made the Trump campaign the subject of a counterintelligence investigation.”
Read more from Andrew McCarthy here.
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