You’re seeing firsthand the damage from an overreaction to a virus with cities burning from rioters with nothing better to do. Inch by inch, they’re coming for your freedom, whether it’s through the Marxist BLM or destruction of your neighborhood. As President Trump and Secretary of HUD Ben Carson write in today’s WSJ:
Liberals even believe this unprecedented federal disruption of the suburbs is required to battle climate change. They say the suburbs are a problem because of unacceptably high levels of greenhouse gases generated by a family with its own house, a yard, two cars and a dog.
The Biden-Sanders unity platform calls for reimposing the Obama-Biden dystopian vision of building low-income housing units next to your suburban house. Some leading Democrats want to go even further. Sen. Cory Booker and Rep. James Clyburn have introduced a bill that would hold hostage more than $12 billion in federal grants to states for safe roads unless local politicians agree to densify the suburbs. As far as the White House is concerned, this bill is dead on arrival.
You know the value of your home has gone up during the crisis. You’ve also picked up and left the city if you were in one. If liberals are going to spend your tax dollars on making you less safe, then it’s up to you to figure out how to protect your family in times of trouble.
Many more Americans are quickly learning the value of the suburbs as America’s cities break down into chaos. In Chicago, over the weekend, there were 30 people shot, and 17 police officers injured in rioting.
Is it any wonder they want to escape the city?
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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