DC Mayor Muriel Bowser touring Washington D.C. with HUD Secretary Julian Castro. May 21, 2015. Photo courtesy of USHUD.
Mollie Hemingway explains in The Federalist that it was not Donald Trump who used teargas on “demonstrators” across from the White House last summer. It was none other than D.C.’s own mayor, Muriel Bowser.
Amazingly, new reports confirm it was Bowser — not Trump — who teargassed the protesters a few blocks away from the White House on the evening in question, that the protests had repeatedly devolved into violence and arson, and that the clearing was done for major security concerns and not a photo opportunity.
For more than a year, Bowser allowed Trump to take the blame for what her police forces had done.
In her nationally broadcast speech, Bowser inaccurately called the violent riots — marked by widespread looting, arson of historic buildings, arson of White House buildings, and assaults on scores of police officers — safe and peaceful. Then she blamed Trump for her own police force’s teargassing of protesters.
From Mayor Bowser:
[W]hile we were peacefully protesting, Donald Trump was plotting. He stood in front of one of our most treasured houses of worship and held a Bible for a photo op. He sent troops in camouflage into our streets. He sent tear gas into the air and federal helicopters too. I knew if he did this to DC, he would do it to your city or your town, and that’s when I said enough.
The media has intentionally distorted the facts (think COVID lab leak, the entirety of the Russia collusion narrative, Trump clearing Lafayette Park of protestors for a photo-op) in an attempt to propel the political narrative its way, continues Ms. Hemingway.
The breakdown of our faith in once-trusted institutions reflects a wider breakdown of societal consensus. More and more, we are reflecting two countries living in one geographic location, with our own news outlets, service providers, and beliefs about human value and dignity. One wonders what it will take to pull ourselves back from the brink.
A Spanish Siesta from the News
BRIGHT (The Federalist) editor and sommelier Rachel Bovard suggests some Spanish wines for your enjoyment throughout the summer. Spain, she notes, is the world’s 3rd largest producer of wine.
- Cava – an obvious choice for poolside
- Albariño – from Galicia and a great pairing with seafood
- Tempranillo (also labeled as Rioja) – a dynamite choice for your backyard barbeque.
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