What’s love got to do with it? Everything. Your love for your family is more valuable than anything in the world. Your kids, for example, live in your mind’s eye as if they never age. You look into a grandchild’s eyes and catch yourself wondering with whom you’re speaking. Their gaze is so familiar to you. Why, then, would you be OK potentially changing that person with a big government/business vaccine—untested and unproven—with potentially life-altering side-effects?
You know the damage blue state government (at all levels) is doing to your family thanks to a man-made China virus. You’ve seen the devastation from shipping the sick to nursing homes (Cuomo), shuttering businesses (Cuomo), and supporting the rioters who ruin them (Cuomo).
You see, tech stocks prop up the market like a mirage in the desert, rising from nothing more than bets/hope for higher prices. As you all well know from my father-in-law Richard C. Young, hope is not a strategy.
You can make a list on the back of a napkin of right vs. wrong and know that another American will have the exact opposite response to yours. How is that possible? It’s just shocking. The answer is simple: You either live your life with a love for family based on self-reliance or depend on government for support because you need it. But who pays for the needy?
Think about the damage wrought by blue state/local government where you live. Anecdotally, Newport, RI is loaded with license plates from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Rhode Island is basically the nicer house in the bad northeast neighborhood. Armed with a vaccine, what do you think this draconian region will do to you if you don’t get one? (reason enough not to do it).
Action Plan: Read about this from Dr. Mercola below. Look into the benefits of living the island life and stay in touch with me daily for my family first reminders to help you keep your loved ones safe and sound. And click here to sign up for my Survive & Thrive newsletter. Each month I’ll send you the information your family needs to break inertia and thrive.
Dr. Joseph Mercola writes:
In the U.S., most public health laws, including vaccine laws, are enacted by the states, while the federal government makes vaccine use recommendations and can mandate vaccines for people crossing national or state borders. Local city and county governments also can impose their own public health regulations. That is why some states and cities have seen very restrictive COVID-19 pandemic masking and lockdown regulations138 and others have been more open.
So, whether or not you will be punished for refusing to get a COVID-19 shot next year primarily will be determined by your state’s governor and the representatives who have been elected to make laws in your state capitol.
Depending upon where you live and the political philosophy of the majority of representatives in your state legislature, after the COVID-19 vaccine is licensed by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and recommended by the CDC for use by all children and adults, if you refuse to get a COVID-19 shot, you could be blocked from:
Being employed and going to work in an office Getting an education Obtaining a driver’s license or passport Boarding a train or other public transportation Attending a sports game or concert Entering a store, restaurant, bar, coffee shop or nail salon Booking an appointment with a doctor And you could be prohibited from checking into a hospital for surgery, or visiting a family member in a nursing home, or blocked from obtaining private health insurance and Medicaid or Medicare.
In other words, if you refuse to get a coronavirus vaccination, you could be subjected to the kinds of punitive social sanctions I have been predicting and publicly warned about since 1997, sanctions that are already being applied to Americans who decline to get or give their children dozens of doses of CDC “recommended” liability-free vaccines and already are being denied an education, medical care and employment.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.