U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry pauses before boarding a Swiss Air Force helicopter for a flight between Montreux and Davos, Switzerland, on January 23, 2014. [State Department photo/ Public Domain]
President Trump rightly pulled America out of the pointless, job-killing, cost-raising, economy hobbling treaty, but as part of the Great Reset, Joe Biden and his climate czar John Kerry want to take America back into the accord, and go above and beyond its ridiculous mandates. Justin Haskins reports at The Hill:
“I know Joe Biden believes … it’s not enough just to rejoin Paris [the Paris Climate Accords] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to just do the minimum of what Paris requires.”
Kerry also said that because of the Great Reset movement, he believes “we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time” and that “the greatest opportunity we have” to address social and economic problems is “dealing with the climate crisis.”
These and the other comments made by Kerry at the WEF event are made more important by the fact that Kerry’s role in a Biden administration would involve working with the very same international institutions that have already expressed their support for the Great Reset on climate change.
This isn’t the first time Kerry has thrown his weight behind the Great Reset. At a June World Economic Forum virtual event, Kerry said the coronavirus pandemic was “a big moment” that opened the door for the Great Reset and that, “The World Economic Forum – the CEO capacity of the Forum – is really going to have to play a front and center role in refining the Great Reset to deal with climate change and inequity — all of which is being laid bare as a consequence of COVID-19.”
The evidence is now crystal clear about Biden’s connection to the Great Reset. He, John Kerry and the rest of the Biden administration are planning to bring the Great Reset to the United States. And if they are successful, the country will never be the same.
Action Line: Read that last line from Haskins again, “if they are successful, the country will never be the same.” Is that what you want, an America that is never going to be the same? If not, you may need to look for a better America today. Read my entire series on The Great Reset here.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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