You recently learned that lawmakers, mostly Democrats, in Rhode Island are furious about the lies they’ve been told by the bureaucrats serving under Gov. Gina Raimondo (soon to be America’s Commerce Secretary, more about that later). As Raimondo was packing her bags to leave for Washington, lawmakers in Rhode Island (as blue as the deep blue sea) were getting angry.
Democrat elected representatives are upset at state agency bureaucrats because as these agency reps testify before legislative committees, the elected officials receive text messages from constituents reading: “Everything they just said to you is a bunch of B.S.”
“Garbage-in, garbage-out,” said Rep. Camille Vella-Wilkinson, D-Warwick, RI, “If we are relying on information we are getting from the executive branch and we can’t [rely on it]…because the department heads are in lock-step to lie to us.” How can we “hold their feet to the fire,” wonders Oversight Committee Chairwoman Patricia Serpa, D-West Warwick, “if there are no consequences.”
If the Deep State won’t tell Rhode Island Democrats the truth, what hope is there for anyone else?
Now Raimondo has taken her show on the road. In an answer to questions from the Senate Commerce Committee, Raimondo suggested that to achieve the climate goals of the administration, directly influenced by the authors of the Great Reset, she would be OK with raising taxes on the middle class via an increased gas tax.
Raimondo is just one more member of the elite political class who has chosen to put the goals of the billionaire-backed Great Reset, ahead of the livelihoods of America’s middle class. In American Greatness, Andrew Codevilla calls these billionaires what they really are, oligarchs, and explains their purpose is to “crush the general population’s resistance.” He writes:
COVID’s politicization began in February 2020 with the adoption by the World Health Organization—which is headed by an Ethiopian bureaucrat beholden to China—and upon recommendation of non-scientist Bill Gates, of a non-peer-reviewed test for the infection. The test’s chief characteristic is that its rate of positives to negatives depends on the number of cycles through which the sample is run. More cycles, more positives. Hence, every test result is a “soft” number. Second, the WHO and associated national organizations like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported COVID’s spread by another “soft” number: “confirmed cases.” That is, sick persons who tested positive for the virus.
When this number is related to that of such persons who then die, the ratio—somewhat north of 5 percent—suggests that COVID kills one out of 20 people it touches. But that is an even softer number since these deaths include those who die with COVID rather than of it, as well as those who may have had COVID. Pyramiding such soft numbers, mathematical modelers projected millions of deaths. Scary for the unwary, but pure fantasy.
For example, the U.S. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), which modeled the authoritative predictions on which the U.S. lockdowns were based, also predicted COVID-19 deaths for Sweden, which did not lock down. On May 3, the IHME predicted that Sweden would suffer 2,800 COVID deaths a day within the next two weeks. The actual number was 38. Reporting on COVID has never ceased to consist of numbers as scary as they are soft.
Literate persons know that, once an infectious disease enters a population, nothing can prevent it from infecting all of it, until a majority has developed antibodies after contracting it—so-called community immunity or herd immunity. But fear leads people to empower those who promise safety, regardless of how empty the promises. The media pressed governments to do something. The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan screamed: “don’t panic is terrible advice.” The pharmaceutical industry and its Wall Street backers salivated at the prospect of billions of government money for new drugs and vaccines. Never mind the little sense it makes for millions of people to accept a vaccine’s non-trivial risk to protect against a virus with trivial consequences for themselves. All manner of officials yearned to wield unaccountable power.
Because the power to crush the general population’s resistance to itself is the oligarchy’s single-minded focus, it was able to bend fears of COVID to that purpose. Thus, it gathered more power with more consequences than the oligarchs could have imagined.
But only President Trump’s complaisance made this possible. His message to the American people had been not to panic, be mindful of the scientific facts—you can’t stop it, and it’s not that bad—while mitigating its effects on vulnerable populations. But on March 15, Trump bent, and agreed to counsel people to suspend normal life for two weeks to “slow the spread,” so that hospitals would not be overwhelmed. Two weeks later, the New York Times crowed that Trump, having been told “hundreds of thousands of Americans could face death if the country reopened too soon,” had been stampeded into “abandoning his goal of reopening the country by Easter.” He agreed to support the “experts’” definition of what “soon” might mean. By accrediting the complex of government, industry, and media’s good faith and expertise, Trump validated their plans to use COVID as a vehicle for enhancing their power.
Having seized powers, the oligarchs used them as weapons to disrupt and disaggregate the parts of American society they could not control.
Action Line: The politicians and billionaires pushing the Great Reset want to use your own money to crush your resistance, and to reshape the world in their own vision. Defend yourself by building an Island for your family, avoiding investment traps like ESG funds, and learning more about the Great Reset.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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