As I wrote to you last week Rhode Island wants your guns. WPRI wrote of the battle over the Second Amendment in Rhode Island:
As state lawmakers take up a slew of gun-related bills, supporters on both sides of the issue descended upon the State House to make their voices heard.
Among the several bills that the House Judiciary Committee will look at is a measure that would raise the legal age for purchasing a gun from 18 to 21.
The Committee is also hearing testimony on a bill that would prohibit the sale and possession of a feeding device holding more than 10 rounds and bans on assault rifles and 3D-printed guns.
Supporters and opponents of the bills showed up in droves at the State House ahead of the hearing Tuesday night.
“It’s not a complete ban on any type of assault weapon because people who already own them will be grandfathered in,” David Leach of Providence said. “So it just reduces the number and access of what essentially is a dangerous item.”
“This is all based on sporting, it’s why we use these rifles,” Second Amendment supporter William Worthy said. “So a lot of us compete with these rifles and that’s why we have large capacity, so that we can do what we’re doing on the ranges and inside the ranges because we’re competing and we need round counts in order to compete. You know, we’re good people, we’re not here to let anybody get hurt.”
Also being considered is an enhancement of penalties for those who fail to report a lost or stolen firearm.
And they want your money too. Recently the Newport city council proposed an additional conveyance tax of up to 2% on the sale price for homes. This is an additional tax on the sale of every home in Newport (there’s already one in place on the seller) that will be the responsibility of the buyer.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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