In a blatant attack on the freedom of American workers, Democratic presidential primary candidates are lining up to steal their money and give it directly to some of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors.
These Democrats want to end Right to Work laws, which protect Americans’ freedom to work without interference from union bosses who want to use workers’ money to fund union political goals. In states where Right to Work laws don’t exist, union bosses can automatically deduct money from the paychecks of employees who aren’t even members of the union. Union bosses can then use that money to fund any political speech they want, without the consent of the employee whose money they took.
Leading the charge is South Bend mayor, Pete Buttigieg who, according to The Detroit News is calling “for an end to right-to-work laws and endorses legislation that would allow employment contracts requiring workers to pay bargaining fees to unions even if they are not members.” Does that sound like standing up for workers’ rights?
What may be worst of all, is Democrats want to use federal pressure to force states to eliminate the Right to Work. Their calls ignore the principles of both the Tenth Amendment and the First Amendment. The Detroit News continues:
Sanders, who won Michigan’s Democratic primary in 2016, is lead sponsor on legislation that would preempt “right-to-work for less laws.” Co-sponsors include fellow presidential hopeful U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Kamala Harris of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Cory Booker of New Jersey.
Sanders’ proposal would also make it easier for worker to form unions by allowing the National Labor Relations Board to certify a bargaining unit if a majority of eligible workers sign authorization cards. And it would require companies to begin negotiating within 10 days after union certification.
Buttigieg supports federal legislation known as the Protecting the Right to Organize Act that would effectively undermine right-to-work laws by allowing unions to contract for “fair share” fees to cover the cost of collective bargaining.
The legislation would also allow workers to sue employers who illegally interfere with unionizing efforts and allow the National Labor Relations Board to impose fines on employers who fire workers for trying to unionize or break other labor laws.
America’s workers deserve the freedom to choose who they associate with, and they shouldn’t be forced to fund political speech which they do not agree with. Read more about the Right to Work here:
- Right to Work States Preserving the American Dream
- Another Win for the Right to Work
- Will Virginians Allow a Socialist to Take Away Their Right to Work?
- Right to Work South Carolina is Flooded in Jobs
- Thankful Missouri Citizens Now Have the Right to Work
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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