Senator John McCain won his last election in no small measure from his promise to Arizona voters to participate in the repeal of Obamacare, “a promise he famously broke with his nationally televised thumbs-down gesture,” Stephen Presser reminds readers.
Thumbs Down on National Television
That action apparently was designed to frustrate the plans of President Trump, whom McCain famously disdained.
Recently we have had confirmation that McCain was also instrumental in circulating the spurious Steele dossier with its fanciful, though damaging, allegations of Russian collusion on the part of the president. [Read more on this in “John McCain’s Role in America’s Biggest Political Scandal.”]
Whether McCain was the dupe of those implementing their “insurance policy” against the president, or whether his efforts flowed from genuine and continuing enmity and jealousy for a man who had achieved a goal that eluded McCain, we can now only speculate.
A Creature of the Swamp?
A man so petty that he would exclude a sitting president from his planned and elaborate obsequies is something less than completely admirable.
It is now incumbent on those of us still committed to the vision of the Founders to do what we can to further this nation’s actual needs, and frustrate the designs of the self-serving—including, sadly, the late John McCain and his acolytes.
Why Support President Trump?
Right now that means that Americans concerned for the preservation of our republic should be supporting a president brave and sensible enough to resist the siren songs of the “progressives,” the socialists, the proponents of the Green New Deal, and their full-throated supporting media chorus.
Read more here.
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