Austin joins Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other cities in defunding police writes Paul Best of Fox News. He writes abridged:
Austin, Texas became the latest city to defund the police Thursday when the city council unanimously approved a $150 million cut to its police department budget — about 34% of its current total — and reinvest the funds in other services, The Texas Tribune reported.
According to the proposal, there is an immediate $21.5 million cut that will be reinvested in a wide array of programs, including mental health response, permanent supportive housing, food access, abortion access, an early childhood coordinator position and violence prevention.
Another roughly $80 million will go into a “Decouple Fund” that will transfer many civilian services, like forensic sciences and victim services, outside of the police department.
The rest of the money, about $49 million, will go into a “Reimagine Safety Fund,” the goal of which “is to divert dollars from the fund toward alternative forms of public safety and community support, through the yearlong reimagining process.”
The Austin Police Association tweeted that the proposal is “ridiculous and unsafe” and ignores “the majority who do not want the police defunded.”
Read the full article here.
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