The Obama administration has sent Predator drones to Libya, where they have struck targets on the ground. The Wall Street Journal reports that “The drones, which can fly lower and stay in an area longer, are needed to hit targets that are close to civilians or inside dense urban areas.” The air-to-ground use of the drones belies the original “no-fly zone” mission the president used to usher America into oil-rich Libya. But no one ever really thought a no-fly zone would be the end of America’s involvement anyway. A Rasmussen poll finds that 55% of Americans believe the U.S. will be in Libya beyond the end of this year.
The Obama administration argues that it is merely protecting civilians in Libya, but the line between protecting civilians and aiding the rebellion is nearly nonexistent. Any participation in a war should be backed up by a declaration of war passed by both houses of Congress. The usual suspects in the Senate, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Joe Lieberman, are calling for more involvement in Libya. This neocon crowd seems convinced of the merits of foreign intervention and regime change in Libya. Whether or not helping civilians/rebels in Libya is the right thing to do morally, the senators should bring their convictions to Congress as a declaration of war to see if America agrees. While they’re at it, they can bring declarations for Iraq and Afghanistan.
Check out the superior Predator UAV.