At, Karen Kwiatkowski explains the effect of truth on the battlefield. She writes:
The latest US National Defense Strategy Commission warned last week that: 1) the US should be able to, but cannot, fight three simultaneous wars; 2) the Pentagon is deficient, disorganized, demoralized and poorly led; 3) the “defense” sector needs vastly more cash and autonomy; and 4) other federal departments demanding a share of future budgets need to either align themselves with the DoD and CIA, or shut up. The commission, not surprisingly, was made up of the same idiots who have been placed on every DC commission in the last 40 years, all briskly marching to Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade.
Peace may not be on the menu in DC, Tel Aviv or Kiev, yet it is achievable. Truth is bursting at the seams. Truth, even the ugly kind, is a messenger for peace. Truth needs no narrative control, it accepts no government channeling. Unlike men on the battlefields, and communities under mountains of rubble, it cannot be buried. The vast majority of Ukrainians oppose the war; it’s something they don’t want, conducted by people they don’t like. The Israeli state has relied too much and for too long on US economic and diplomatic little blue pills for their staying power. They have lost global support, watched their smartest and most productive citizens pack up and move, destroyed the souls of their younger generations, and slashed export and tech trust globally with their PETN-laced batteries and their arrogance.
We talk about softening the battlefield, and strategic demoralization of the enemy. Without a single physical weapon, or act of violence, truth does both to the dogs of war and princes of pillage. Unstoppable and invincible, truth is changing the world. Let’s take Coach Brooks’ 1980 hockey pep talk to heart. Truth tellers and peacemakers everywhere – you are meant to be here, this is your time!
Read more here.
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