Michael Scheuer, the former head of the CIA’s bin Laden unit, pinpoints precisely the problem of America’s deep involvement in world affairs. Aside from having no constitutional authority to spend American blood and treasure in foreign lands attempting to achieve goals benefitting other nations, there is simply a conflict of interest in anyone inhabiting both the office of American president and the made up position of “leader of the free world.” Scheuer writes (abridged):
Obama, as a person who was temporarily the U.S. president, concluded an agreement with Iran and several other parties. He treated it as if it was a binding and constitutionally concluded treaty. It was not. The deal was between Barack Obama and the other parties, and he knew – or should have known — that it would remain valid after he was gone only as long as his successor pretended it was a treaty and binding.
Face facts, Mr. President, most Americans have no intention of standing side-by-side with the Iranians or any other people if it means war, dead soldier-children, and massive and wasteful expenditures of their taxes.
Sir, neither you nor any other president can find in the Constitution any authority to spend American lives and taxes for the interests of other nations or individuals, to spread democracy and secularism abroad, or to intervene in other peoples’ affairs simply because their political circumstances, forms of government, or economic circumstances are not to the U.S. governing elite’s liking.
The roles of being the leader of the free world and that of being the American president are in no way compatible; indeed, the former role makes the president the patsy and bankroller of anti-Americans at home and abroad and thereby negates the aspects of the latter that are the most important to Americans, ensuring low taxes, jobs, rehabilitated infrastructure, a family oriented culture, limited government, border control, and peace. The steady, perhaps irreversible physical and spiritual disintegration of our republic and Union began in 1945 with the creation of the UN and the anointing of America’s Ivy League-educated governing elite as the leaders of the free world.
Read more here.
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