In The American Spectator, Melissa Mackenzie explains the late Andrew Breitbart’s war on the mainstream media, and how he was right and how the American people are right to fight for their culture. She writes:
Andrew Breitbart loathed the mainstream media.
He knew, to his core, the mendacity pointed at ideological enemies of Leftist dogma. He ran flank for Tea Party leaders who were being investigated by every government department including the IRS, FBI, EPA, and more. He loved these people who the elites in both parties hated. He defended them.
Most of all, Andrew was prescient. He saw the corruption in the media.
Why has it taken so long for the Right, to see the truth about the Lefty-dominated culture?
One answer is that they hate Donald Trump. Even more, they hate the voters who voted for Donald Trump.
The people who voted for Trump are right, just like Andrew was right.
Trump voters are right that a country, by definition, needs enforceable borders. They’re right that the culture is turning against devoutly religious people, especially devout Jews and Christians. They’re right that the media hates them. They’re right that the government is too all-powerful and used at the behest of the Left to harm those who disagree ideologically. They’re right that individual rights are getting lost.
It might be a losing battle, but fighting this tsunami of disinformation and totalitarian group-think is one worth fighting to the death, because death is the end game no matter.
Read more here.
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