The Disgrace of Controlling the Narrative
In NRO, Andrew Stuttaford accuses plenty of senior Democrats of knowing Joe Biden had an aging/dementia problem. Helping the coverup of a diminished leader, a significant section of the media also played along.
Jeff Blehar (NRO) wonders where the mainstream media was during Joe Biden’s entire presidency.:
Where were our sentinels of the republic, our tribunes of truth? How could the Fourth Estate, with its eyes forever upon the world of Washington politics, have missed Biden’s advancing mental and physical decrepitude? Why did so many journalists claim they weren’t even suspicious after it all came crashing down in late June?
Justifying Misinformation so It Seems Noble
I have an appealingly simple theory to explain the mystery: They didn’t miss it at all. Everyone knew, and the sorts of people who would have normally pursued these whispers about Biden’s remoteness — obvious enough from his calendar and the behavior of his public minders — simply decided not to because it was not in the best interests of the Democratic Party to do so, at least as perceived by the “herd mind” of the media, the left-tinged blob of assignment editors, investigative reporters, and liberal commentators across Washington.
As Mr. Stuttaford notes, President Joe Biden voiced his frustration at the inability to control the narrative through the “good people” from the old and crumbling media gatekeepers.
Similar feelings of frustration explain why the political establishments on both sides of the Atlantic are so keen to rein in social media.
President Joe Biden’s decline, writes Jason L. Riley (WSSJ), is “an epic scandal whose scope we are only beginning to appreciate.”
… it may turn out to be the Biden administration’s chief legacy. When does partisan allegiance become elder abuse?
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