Elizabeth Warren’s performance in New Hampshire was pitiful, notes Dov Fisher in The American Spectator. Fisher explains just how bad the performance of the Senator from Massachusetts was in New Hampshire given that “southern New Hampshire is practically a suburb of Massachusetts.” If Warren could have done well in any of the early states, it was there. He writes (abridged):
Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick had to drop out immediately after New Hampshire. Many Americans do not realize that southern New Hampshire is practically a suburb of Massachusetts.
Less obvious, though, is that Elizabeth Warren also did pitifully, in light of expectations — and, even more so, in light of the geographical proximity.
She was the huge national media darling among the Corrupt Journalist Corps only a few weeks ago, with endless stories on how she would stand for hours after a speech, allowing each and every person at her rallies to take a “selfie” with her. The media dubbed her as brilliant, charismatic, folksy.
The hype never made sense. Warren is not charismatic. By dint of nature, of genes that are not her fault, her voice is shrill, whiny, screechy, thin, and weak. It is what it is. That works in whiny, screechy Massachusetts, where liberals all commonly whine and complain about all their victimization. Whining may enthrall the victimhood crowd, but it just does not play for the presidency
The fact that she could not break double digits in New Hampshire, in her own backyard, means that she now is finished.
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