Former Bill Clinton political adviser Doug Schoen lays out a clear path to the Democratic nomination for Bernie Sanders. The battle for the Democratic nomination is far from over, media bias to the contrary. Hillary Clinton is simply not liked or trusted. It is as easy as that. Mr. Schoen lays out an excellent case for Bernie.
A Sanders win in California would powerfully underscore Mrs. Clinton’s weakness as a candidate in the general election. Democratic superdelegates—chosen by the party establishment and overwhelmingly backing Mrs. Clinton, 543-44—would seriously question whether they should continue to stand behind her candidacy.
There is every reason to believe that at the convention Mr. Sanders will offer a rules change requiring superdelegates to vote for the candidate who won their state’s primary or caucus. A vote on that proposed change would almost certainly occur
It is easier now than ever to imagine a scenario in which Hillary Clinton—whether by dint of legal or political circumstances—is not the Democratic presidential nominee.
More from Schoen on Clinton here:
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