Had this not been the case, as former CIA bin Laden unit chief Mike Scheuer points out, Trump might have been in jail.
The New York Times this morning leaked what may be some of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, and speculates that he may not have paid income taxes for 18 years. Well done, Mr. Trump!!!
At first blush, the Times’ story seems to prove, beyond doubt, the truth of Trump’s consistent charge that the country’s taxation, political, and economic systems are brazenly rigged by politicians from both parties, men and women who pass laws to keep their billionaire donors sweet.
If the Times is correct, and since Mr. Trump is not in jail, he obviously obeyed all of the national government’s tax regulations and the IRS — the Democrats’ brown-shirted army of lawless, anti-Conservative enforcers — has not been able lay a glove on him.
The Times’ story also proves that Trump has the resolve and moxey to get off his butt after taking a wicked financial beating, and successfully strive not only to retrieve lost success, but to amplify that success.
There are no more admirable American traits than stubborn perseverance and the honesty to recognize a defeat, but not accept it as final.
And it would be well for their health and futures, if the designers of the rigged tax system recalled two things. First, that Founders fought a successful war against a British king and Parliament seeking to arbitrarily tax Americans who were not represented in the legislature.
Second, that the Founders left their posterity the 2nd Amendment to ensure that if such a tack was tried again in the United States, as it has been for the past 25 years, it could be — if necessary — deservedly and bloodily destroyed.
New York Times reports on leaked 1995 Trump tax returns
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