At The American Spectator, Bob Luddy explains how the U.S. education system has been co-opted by Marxists. He writes (abridged):
Calvin Coolidge states it succinctly: “Money will not purchase character or good government.”
The last 20 years have ushered in a new America, which is moving away from God and traditional American values and replaced by an ever-growing government at all levels, squeezing out private initiative, a core strength of our country.
Worse, the U.S. education system has been coopted by Marxists who hate America. They teach our children that America is an evil country based on racism and white supremacy.
The New York Times’ 1619 Project, a shameful work of historical revisionism that insists that America was built on slavery, is now taught in schools across the country.
To paraphase G. K. Chesterton: the greatest criminals are educators who feed poison to students.
The consequences of these failures in government and education are enormous. Some of our youth are so unhappy that they become human wrecking machines, destroying businesses, property, and lives with a flagrant disregard for our laws and their fellow citizens.
Many mayors and governors tolerate chaos.
Witness the riots, destruction of property, and now-commonplace assaults on fellow citizens in major U.S. cities. Increasingly, there is pressure to join in this rioting and destruction in the name of “social justice.” Those who oppose these actions are ostracized, canceled, and condemned.
The way forward is not through more government intervention, but through supporting individuals and communities as they respond to the great challenges we face.
America was built with private initiative and local community solutions, as Alexis de Tocqueville and Michael Novak have noted.
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