November 2 is D-Day, or Democrat Demolition Derby Day. Here in Key West just 90 miles from Cuba, I’ll be getting out early to vote to beat the throngs. One might assume that in anything-goes Key West, votes mainly go to the left. But no. My neighborhood is strongly Cuban and the ol’ time Conchs are hard-line conservatives. So at the end of the day, most elections in Key West are dogfights. Groups like the powerful Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks and Mercatus Center are getting out the conservative message in resounding fashion. There has not been a more important election in my lifetime—none even close. Every small business owner and retired and soon-to-be-retired person I know is heading to the polls to help out in the demolition process. These folk are the core of my client base and to a one are sickened by the direction our federal republic has been pushed. Remember, we live in a federal republic, not a national government-based country. Delegates to the Philadelphia convention in 1787 rejected the attempts by the monarchists (Alexander Hamilton) and the nationalists (James Madison) to create a national rather than a federal government. Federalism is, of course, just another way of saying limited government where carefully enumerated powers are given to the central government and all powers not expressly enumerated are left to the states.
I carry a mini copy of our constitution with me at all times. And in section 8 of article one all of the enumerated powers are laid out. The powers are basic. I see power to punish pirates, to raise and support armies, and to provide and maintain a navy. I see power to call forth the militia and to establish post offices and post roads. Section 8 is tiny. You can pour over every single word in minutes. And guess what words do not appear? Why health care, of course. The founders absoutely meant section 8 to stand as written, sans embellishment.
Obamacare is unconstitutional and must be disemboweled. And the same goes for many other unconstitutional initiatives foisted on naïve Americans by the strongly Marxist-influenced and Obama-fronted Radical Progressive Movement. Some folk appear foggy when I tie Marxism to the Obama administration. I am unsure why because Karl Marx’s communist manifesto is clear with its 10 points of applicable measures to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie and to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state. These words are directly from the pen of Karl Marx. It is not my interpretation, but simply a concise presentation of Karl Marx’s agenda. How do you like the Marx strategy to wrest capital and centralize in the hands of the state? Where to start first? How about a heavy progressive or graduated income tax? Or maybe centralization of credit in the hands of the state? Or perhaps the establishment of industrial armies or centralization of the means of communication I don’t want to be unfair or picky here, but doesn’t all of this have the look, the feel, and the smell of the Obama change message? It does to a tee. To say otherwise is simply self-serving or at least silly. Look, I am not a politician running for office. And I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I was against No Child Left Behind, the Medicare prescription drug debacle, and the Iraq and the Afghan wars, as well as the Wall Street bailouts and Obamacare. And, by the way, did you know that in the nearly two years that president Obama has been at the helm of our fast sinking ship of state, fatalities in Afghanistan are up a frightening 260% from the final two Bush years. Why has that info been suppressed? Beats me, but I can safely report to you that there is no end game for this Afghan mess that makes a lick of sense.
It seems logical to me that we must rid ourselves of the folk who gave us Obamacare and are followers of a Karl Marx radical progressive course. I am not talking Democrats and Republicans here. There is plenty of blame to go around. I am talking a much bigger picture: that of returning America to the federal republic form of government taught by Thomas Jefferson. It would appear that the Tea Party movement is on board with Mr.Jefferson. And I believe that South Carolina’s Jim DeMint and Joe Wilson are on board. I know that Rick Perry, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Mitch Daniels, Sharron Angle, Pat Toomey, and my home state’s Marco Rubio are on board with a federal republic form of government. And I know that Barney Frank, Harry Ried, Barbara Boxer, Moonbeam, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Christ, Joe Sestak and David Cicilline, to name some obvious folk, are not. I unfortunately cannot assist at the voting booth in all of the needed clean up and purging required but I will do my part for sure on November 2, as I know will you.
I will be back here on bright and early Monday with my choice as the single most important person in America and what this person means to all Americans on November 2. Please do not miss this most important contribution to the Nov 2 discussion (as NPR likes to say). And I would not want to miss out on emphasizing the abject stupidity of the NPR-Juan Williams firing. My best wishes and continued support for the objective and always entertaining Juan Williams.
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