America has entered a time when logic and facts are no longer useful in political discussion. Bill Sardi explains at, writing (abridged):
What logic or set of facts can we use to persuade the LEFT to abandon its contrived campaign against hate, racism and division? What messages can we use to deal with others who have an entirely different world view? The answer is, there aren’t any.
American economist Thomas Sowell says: “One of the most dangerous signs of our times is the growing number of individuals and groups who believe that no one can possibly disagree with them for any honest reason.”
The political LEFT already has its scripts. There is a collective social narrative. “Build back better.” “We are all in this together.” There is no place for the individual. We all must march in lock step together.
The political LEFT knows they are wrong but won’t admit it. There will be no apologies from the political LEFT. Responsibility for the deaths from the lockdowns and the shuttling of virally-infected patients into nursing homes will be ignored.
BLM: Front men for the leftist banksters
The BLM burns down businesses in 200 American cities and police and governments stand down. In the convoluted mind of the LEFTIST, these businesses succeeded because of pervasive racism (disregarding the fact many were black-owned private enterprises).
When blacks loot stores, this is now seen as some form of reparation for slavery. There is no outcry from a former black President, who could shame them. Nor from a former black TV host who acts as if she is the conscience of the nation. Rather, both are urging the looters on by their failure to censure.
In the LEFTIST mind, the Constitution guarantees everyone has freedom collectively, not individually.
Where the LEFTIST sees “good” the RIGHT sees “evil.” The primary thrust of the Constitution was not to trust government, to break it up, to have local oversight, not national control, and a Congress that represents the people. In other words, Main Street instead of Wall Street.
Guns must be taken away now. The public needs to see through this anti-gun propaganda. A new President is elected who is anti-gun, and suddenly there are a lot of shootings. Don’t be fooled. These are nothing more than staged news events to usher in restrictive gun laws.
In the quest for utopia, when everyone is equally immunized, and not spreading disease to others, is when we will achieve a perfect world. Not to matter whether the pandemic is contrived or whether the vaccine is worse than the disease. Or that vaccine makers will plunder the public for billions of dollars.
By Bill Sardi
Read more here.
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