In a recent essay, Abigail Shrier warns Americans how high the stakes are in the fight against the Progressive left. Ms. Shrier explains in how “Aw Shucks Conservatives” are not pushing back hard enough against the assault on Judeo-Christian religions, American traditions/symbols, and individual rights.
The Left wages war every day, in every school system in America and, no doubt, many a summer camp. It knows the stakes are high and it comes prepared to fight. It has an uncomplicated revulsion for Judeo-Christian religion, American traditions, American symbols, our founders, and individual rights. It despises the nuclear family, like good Marxists do—which is the real reason it cannot abide the words “mother” and “father.” (It understands no one was ever moved to family formation by the dream of becoming a “gestational parent.”) It does not disguise its plan to replace all of these things.
The Aw Shucks Conservatives meet the Left reluctantly and meekly, praying like hell the other side will forfeit. (It won’t.) They allow themselves to be convinced that the current madness will burn itself out, or that they could not possibly respond to even the most outlandish of Woke claims—like whether biological men’s participation is healthy for women’s sports—without a PhD in kinesiology
(Aw Shucks Conservatives) dream that America will come to its senses.
Brought to readers by editors of BRIGHT (The Federalist).
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