The Equality Act has been introduced to the House by Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI). Here the congressman attends a discussion with members of the Latino Policy Institute at Roger Williams University. October 10, 2014. Photo courtesy of USHUD.
Equality Act to be Reintroduced in the House
Tomorrow, the House will vote on the so-called “Equality Act. “While the name automatically puts opponents on the defensive, the Act itself isn’t really about equality,” observes Inez Stepman, editor at BRIGHT.
From Ms. Stepman in Wall Street Journal:
All people are created equal, but Congress is considering a bill that would make some people more equal than others…
The Equality Act isn’t about protecting people from discrimination; it’s about compelling adherence to gender ideology. Don’t let its name fool you.
The New Orthodoxy of Gender Ideology
Ryan T. Anderson’s book “When Harry Became Sally” has been erased by Amazon, he warns. According to Anderson, it is obvious that critics have not read his book.
But they (critics) were threatened by it and wanted to discredit it lest anyone pick it up and learn from it.
The House of Representatives plans to ram through the Equality Act—a radical transgender bill amending the Civil Rights Act of 1964—Amazon has erased my book opposing gender ideology from its cyber shelves.
The people who did read the book discovered that it is an accurate and accessible presentation of the scientific, medical, philosophical, and legal debates surrounding the trans phenomenon. Yes, it advances an argument against transgender ideology from a viewpoint. But it doesn’t get any facts wrong, and it doesn’t engage in heated rhetoric.
But for a heretic-hunting Left, it doesn’t matter that the book was praised by experts: the former psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital, a longtime psychology professor at NYU, a professor of medical ethics at Columbia Medical School, a professor of psychological and brain sciences at Boston University, a professor of neurobiology at the University of Utah, a distinguished professor at Harvard Law School, an eminent legal philosopher at Oxford, and a professor of jurisprudence at Princeton.
It’s not about how you say it, or how rigorously you argue it, or how charitably you present it. It’s about whether you affirm or dissent from the new orthodoxy of gender ideology.
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