UPDATE 8.14.24: In an abuse of executive power, Joe Biden signed an executive order titled the Partisan Voter Registration Order, that Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves, Attorney General Lynn Fitch, and Secretary of State Michael Watson are calling illegal. Alexandria Galtney of WAPT reports:
The State of Mississippi is suing President Joe Biden’s Administration over the Partisan Voter Registration Order.
The complaint, which was filed by Gov. Tate Reeves, Attorney General Lynn Fitch, and Secretary of State Michael Watson calls the registration order illegal.
The lawsuit claims the executive order directs all-of-government voter registration efforts by federal agencies and led by the White House.
Gov. Reeves called the order a disaster and said in a statement: “It really goes to show just how far the Biden-Harris administration will go to expand their power, and it’s why Mississippi will continue pushing back when they violate the law.”
Under Executive Order 14019, federal agencies would have to develop strategies to expand voter registration efforts and submit their strategic plans to the White House within 200 days.
Reeves said those plans, however, did not go through notice and comment or any of the safeguards under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) that ensure transparency and accountability.
Eight other states have also joined in this lawsuit.
Originally posted August 7, 2024.
Why and how has America’s chief executive office become so powerful? Any fair reading of the Founders’ intent would suggest that the office of President of the United States was not intended to equate to being the king of the world. An American president should be “impotent by design,” as Bill Wirtz described the President of Switzerland back in 2017. This is the Swiss Way of decentralized government, and model that ties very closely with the original intent of the Founders. At LewRockwell.com, Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. explains why America needs a weak president, writing:
Since the so-called presidential “debate,” it has been impossible for people to ignore what was already sufficiently evident. Biden is indeed brain-dead. But people are asking the wrong questions in response to this. They want to know, “If a president becomes incapacitated, how can he be removed? How can we make sure that presidential candidates are mentally fit for office? Should candidates be required to pass cognitive tests?”
These aren’t bad questions in themselves, but they neglect a much more important question. Why should we have a powerful president at all? We see the salience of this question in the Ukraine war. Biden insists on an aggressive policy toward Russia that risks nuclear war. As the great Dr. Ron Paul has put it, “Decades of US sanctions placed on any country that fails to do what Washington demands have backfired and led to the emergence of a block of countries united in their resistance to American dictates. Being ‘tough’ on less-powerful countries may work…until it doesn’t. That’s where we are today.”
Would Trump be better? Dr. Paul does not think so: “Despite Donald Trump’s sober and accurate warning that Joe Biden has taken us to the brink of World War III, his solution to the problem is doing more of the same. His stated foreign policy seems to be that were he in office the rest of the world would not dare do anything against his will. . . He would have been so tough that Russian president Vladimir Putin would never have dared to invade Ukraine, he claimed. He would have been so tough that Hamas would never have dared attack Israel on October 7th. It’s only Joe Biden’s ‘weakness’ that leads to these disastrous foreign policy outcomes.”
What we need to ask is, “Why should the fate of the world depend on the decisions of one man, competent or not? Why should anyone’s finger be on the nuclear button?”
Read more here.
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