At, George Smith wonders what happens when discussing ideologies that espouse freedom, like Austrian Economics, are considered a threat to the state. He writes:
“Many of the attitudes and behaviors of psychopaths have a distinct predatory quality to them.” — Psychopathy: An Important Forensic Concept for the 21st Century
In this Age of War where anything that runs against the dominant narrative is considered mis- or disinformation, if not an outright lie, those promoting Austrian economic and political theory might find they’re wearing a bullseye on their backs. With J6 already established as the State in action, dissent, especially of a fundamental nature, becomes a declaration of war to the psychopaths in DC. Imagine the nightmare of a SWAT raid on the Mises Institute in Auburn, with instructions per Mar-a-Lago to use deadly force if necessary.
With the mainstream media already an Orwellian Ministry of Truth, it would be a routine matter to lock away anyone perceived as a threat to state edicts. Is there anything published or broadcast on that couldn’t be interpreted as a threat? The masthead of LRC reads “anti-state•anti-war•pro-market”and currently gets almost a million visits per month. To the state this is open-and-shut and says come and get us. That they haven’t so far is not a reflection of state magnanimity. Psychopaths are not magnanimous. The ideas of peace, prosperity, and individual rights do not go over well in the halls of power, especially if they’re summoned in a public critique of state actions or proposed legislation.
Consider the state response to the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, according to Axios. It was a feast of criminality if the media is to be believed: More than 1,100 people have been charged with a crime, including President Trump.
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