Want to know why Americans are dying of cancer and increasingly suffering from depression, Alzheimer’s, obesity, allergies, diabetes, asthma and autoimmune diseases like lupus and arthritis? It is due to a diet high in grains. Yup, and the king of the hill and the mightiest offender is GMO corn. Yes indeed, corn is a killer! The summary outline I am opening up with here is linked to a world-class nutritional tour de force delivered on U.S. Wellness’s website and authored by Catherine Ebeling, RN, BSN. I devote a lot of time to research in the areas Ms. Ebeling explores and commend Catherine for an excellent piece of work. I enjoin your fine self to read in detail “The American Feedlot,” which explains why you need to get off the commercial feed lot, packaged food, processed food bandwagon. The big box, commercial grocery store is a thing of the past for Debbie and me and, believe it or not, can be for you and your family as well. I will explain shortly.
Meanwhile here is some of the intelligence you will find in Catherine’s compelling research exposé, in which she explains how America is turning into one big feed lot… and we, the American consumers, are the cattle. With corn, our most abundantly produced grain, comes deadly omega-6-loaded high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The average American diet consists of food products with Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratios of 25-to-1 versus the optimum 1-to-1 ratio found, by example, in CLA-loaded grassfed-to-finish animals. Corn not only has the worst fatty acid profile as far as omega 6s to omega 3s go, but also is host to twenty-some different fungi. Some of these fungi release debilitating mycotoxins that literally can kill animals and people. Corn-fed, confinement-raised cattle are stuffed with antibiotics because cows do not digest corn well. Ms. Ebeling’s complete research paper explains how ammunition, ammonium, fertilizer and nitrogen fit into the corn, industrial meat, cancer, and heart disease mix. It’s ghastly. Learn also about the disease-ridding properties of the Paleo diet. You will look to a new day for you and your family as a member of the hunter-gatherer dietary club.
Finally, scroll down to the bottom right hand grouping on my home page headed Health. Click through and familiarize yourself to the links Debbie and I rely upon as primary food sources (along with our local farmers markets and organic food stores). Click to Eat Wild, Green People, Hearst Ranch, Local Harvest and U.S. Wellness.
Bon Appétit!
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