August 21, 2009
Salmonella, E. Coli, and campylobacter, we now know, are found primarily in meat. James E. McWilliams tells us in his book Just Food that “most feed lot cattle today have E. Coli lining their intestines.” Mr. McWilliams further informs us that manure in feed lots “poses an especially messy problem for public health.” He explains that “over 90 percent of pigs mature in mega-piggeries,” and that these environmentally devastating operations rely as a matter of course on “lagoon waste management.” These lagoons can be 25 feet deep and 18 acres longs. See any problems here? Do you buy pork, beef, or chicken for your family? My upcoming Friday e-mail and regular postings will go in depth on America’s meat disaster, what I’m doing for my own family, and what you should start doing today to protect yours.
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