Back in the ’50s, a nutrient factor not found in other green foods was isolated in algae. It’s called chlorella growth factor (CGF), and the nature of its nucleic acid makes it unique. In Paul Pitchford’s excellent book Healing with Whole Foods (which is on my Essential Reading list), he tells us that the nucleic acid in our bodies aids directly in cellular repair and renewal. Mr. Pitchford explains that CGF does not stimulate tumor growth, but does promote normal cell growth .
CGF’s chlorophyll content is among the highest of any food, so it is known as a purifier, renewal agent, and anti-inflammation factor. With its immune-enhancing qualities and ability to help prevent blood sugar imbalances and atherosclerosis, CGF can assist in maintaining your health as you age.
I like the chlorella supplement marketed by Earthrise Nutritionals, which cracks the chlorella’s cell wall for easy digestion and absorption. Check carefully to make sure this is the case for any chlorella supplement you may try out.
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