One of the greatest things about winter is you can dream about summer. After a few days of warm(er) temps here in New England, we’re seeing some of the snow melt. Quite a bit, actually, has already melted in Newport, RI, except for those stubborn piles of petrified snow—not very pretty. I’m not sure it can be called snow. It’s more like groups of fossils.
In speaking with you, most of you are between rounds one and two of the vaccine, not getting it at all, or already done with two rounds—and you’re all itchin’ to get out. It’s a common theme where you’re looking to move freely about your country. We’re almost there.
But, until we are, we can continue to dream about things we love to do, like boating, for example. I’ve said this before, the best time to own a boat is the winter—because you can’t see the monthly bills. But it’s also true that right about now, I love thinking about boating just like I love thinking about skiing in the summer. I don’t know why. I just do. Anticipation?
You can imagine the fun I had talking boating with a client last week. We talked about the fishing grounds off San Francisco and how he was watching an episode of Capt. Q., Yacht Hunter, filmed in Newport. If you want to learn how to buy a boat, check it out, you won’t be disappointed (or read my series here).
How about ice fishing? There’s still time. I have some clients who tell me how much fun it is—think tailgate party, while another told me it’s for fools and children. I haven’t been, so I don’t know what I’m missing, but there’s a wonderful article this week in the WSJ titled “You Should Go Ice Fishing. Here’s Why” from Jason Gay, who wrote:
It was the week after the week after the Super Bowl, a gloomy spot on the sports calendar, and back at home, my 7-year-old son, Jesse, was climbing the walls with pandemic-era boredom. So was I. We decided to bundle up and head north for a different rush of sporting excitement:
Ice fishing.
Yeah. At the risk of losing my remaining New England and Wisconsin credibility, until a few days ago, I’d never been ice fishing. I knew about ice fishing—I knew about the tiny shacks equipped with bucket chairs, heaters and Packers-Badgers talk on the radio, and I knew about the stubby fishing rods and the winter fever for bass, perch, trout, crappie, bluegill, pike, walleye and so on, but I’d never actually, you know, tried it.
Ice fishing seemed like one of those intriguing life ideas I wouldn’t ever get around to doing, like law school, or getting a Van Halen tattoo.
Anyway, Covid is almost in our rearview mirror. The Texas deep freeze is almost a memory (Not a good one). Just wait until the Great Reset crowd sees the pent-up frustration. You can’t tell people there’s no heat because everything froze. What is that? Stay tuned, this should be fun.
Action Line: Scrub those cobwebs from your eyes. Do a few jumping jacks like you’re in Zoom gym class. You don’t want to miss the boat this spring, Covid or not—best to get your plans in place now to have the time of your life. You deserve nothing less.
P.S. Watch Captain Q. here:
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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