OK, Your Survival Guy timed the market, overweighted a sector, and got emotional—three things you NEVER want to do as an investor. But, hey, I’m Your Survival Guy, not Mr. Perfect, and you can learn a lot from me because I’ve seen a lot.
Back in 2015, when coal was a dirty four-letter word, Your Survival Guy felt it was oversold. The market was crazy, I thought, and so I bought a coal ETF, symbol KOL. Hey, the world needs coal, right? Well, apparently not, as my position was cut down like a Georgia pine, except I never heard “Timber!”
You see, Your Survival Guy doesn’t live or die by the markets. I don’t tap symbols into my phone like a day trader checking favorite stocks. I just had a gut feeling that Mr. Market was wrong on coal.
So, like the shoe cobbler, I just went about my business and forgot about it. Well, recently I’ve noticed coal is rebounding, so I looked at my monthly statement, but no KOL. What’s the deal?
Turns out, the board of my little KOL ETF decided to close the fund back in December. The fund had gone from $900 million under management to a measly $35 million as investors headed for greener pastures. And so my little stocking full of coal was sold by the board mid-December, and…wait for it…coal prices took off like Santa’s sleigh barreling through the ozone. Some Merry Christmas.
Action Line Number One: Here’s the deal. Even when you’re right about an investment, today you have to worry about boardrooms like never before because of “Corporate Wokeness.” Here we had a fund whose very name “KOL” means it invests in COAL. But, boardrooms are loaded with carbon called HUMANS, emotional beasts who tend to vote with their EGO and not necessarily Your Survival Guy’s blessing. Shocker.
Action Line Number Two: Learn from Your Survival Guy: Will boardrooms running your money have the guts to stick things out when the going gets tough? Imagine sitting with Your Survival Guy on Christmas Eve with not a care in the world. The potbelly stove is stoked with coal, we’re toasting another challenging year, and life is good. Cheers: “To your good fortune.”
P.S. This isn’t the first time this has happened.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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