By Ascannio @ Shutterstock.com
You know about my desire for you to find the shelter and space you deserve. Somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of crowds.
Whether you find that peace of mind in, the burbs, small-town America, a resort, or whatever is your idea of paradise, the key is to remember that, yes, it can be done.
What is my definition of paradise?
Well, a simple back of the napkin question is this:
Can you have your own flagpole? Simple yet meaningful.
As I told you in Part IV of this series, my client won the real estate arbitrage game when he decided to buy his little slice of heaven. Little, that is, if you consider 10-acres little. As you can see in the pics below, it certainly passes my test.
OK, then. Peace of mind is important, which is why I want you to think long and hard about your stock portfolio. Are you being paid, in the form of dividends, to be in this market?
Go and run your finger backward along the line below, and you’ll see that the market today isn’t much higher than it was a couple of years ago. If you retired two years ago, that’s a long time to tread water.
I know how good it feels to have money coming in while others are wringing their hands “hoping” and “praying” for stock prices to do something for them.
Don’t waste your time.
Get yourself some dividend religion and pray that the market goes down so you can buy more shares at a cheaper price. Then go shopping for a flagpole.
Read my entire series, Coronavirus Infects Stock Market here.
P.S. Here’s a pic from another client.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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