The third habit of highly successful, fairly wealthy people is this: They read Your Survival Guy every day. They make a habit of visiting daily to beat the Friday email rush. They like being in the know. They avoid crowds.
Friends, I enjoy our daily visits and conversations. I enjoy the habit of thinking about your success. Your success and your generational wealth didn’t happen by accident. You saved ‘til it hurt. You made it. You respect it. You can’t afford to lose it. Investing is not the same as saving.
When we talk, I listen. You tell me you’ve read Richard C. Young’s Intelligence Report for decades. I can tell it’s true within seconds of looking at your statements. It puts a smile on my face. You “Made It a Good Month” for decades, compounding your money. You did it. Now you want to enjoy it. You need some help.
You tell me how you remember zero coupon bonds, preferred stocks, and a balanced approach. The proof is in your portfolio. Nice. But times change. And not having a monthly reminder shakes one’s confidence.
Action Line: When you’re ready to talk, then let’s talk, but only when you’re ready, and only when you’re serious.
P.S. Are you starving for fixed income? Check back tomorrow for how Your Survival Guy can help.
Originally posted on Your Survival Guy.
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