What Could Have Been and What You Can Do Now
Gary Becker, Nobel Prize winner and founder, along with Milton Friedman, of the Chicago school of economics, notes in a recent WSJ interview that ObamaCare does not address the weaknesses in our health-care system. Instead it taxes, regulates and mandates. A good bill would have included:
1. Expansion of Health Saving Accounts.
2. Permission to purchase insurance across state lines, which would have increased competition among insurers
3. Extend tax deductibility of health care spending to individuals, not just employers.
4. Encourage consumers through incentives to pay a larger portion of their health-care costs out of their own pockets.
Repealing ObamaCare will be very difficult, Mr. Becker warns, and Americans, especially our younger generation, will have to fight for their freedom.
Which brings me to the fighting part. Obama, George Soros, and Andy Stern, to name a few, are following Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to a T. The Left is dedicated to changing the fundamentals of our country and its core values. And ObamaCare is just the beginning. Unless we fight back, there will be more mandates, more regulation, and more spending and taxes. The Obama administration is a runaway train that is not going to stop. If you love what is precious to our country–our freedom and independence based on capitalism, a free market, and an entrepreneurial spirit–please read Rich Lowry’s “Help Us Fight Back” in NRO. National Review On Line has terrific writers (Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, Andrew C. McCarthy, Victor Hanson, Thomas Sowell) and links to other conservative views and analysis, but it is in need of financial help. Dick and I have each contributed to the Emergency NRO Webathon. Please do what you can. The heart and soul of our country is at stake. – Deborah Young
Obamacare Dystopia – National Review
Any sane administration would be cutting corporate taxes in the midst of this recession. Instead, America’s corporate tax rate is already the second highest in the OECD, and that’s before the Obama add-ons. Deere, Caterpillar, and Valero have outlined their huge expected cost increases under the new health-care plan. Medtronic—you know, the folks who make pacemaker-safe MRI scans—will lay off thousands because of Obamacare. And more taxes are on the way. The current administration is clearly the most destructive to the U.S. economy in my lifetime. Have you read the Communist Manifesto or Robert Creamer’s Stand Up Straight? It’s all there for you. And just what is corporate America planning to do about the Obama-created disaster now unfolding? – Dick Young
Senate Should Reject Radical Goodwin Liu for Seat on 9th Circuit – Human Events
The Conservative Action Project is out front working to head off a lifetime appointment for this extreme Obama-liberal judge. Mr. Liu is cited especially for his lack of respect for the Constitution. This guy has the look of a full-bore Cass Sunstein-type liberal. Check out Mr. Sunstein’s book, The Second Bill of Rights. Liu has recklessly attacked Supreme Court justices Roberts and Alito. – Dick Young
‘Don’t Tread on Me’ – National Review
I expect to see a wave of Don’t Tread on Me flags across America. These yellow flags bearing an image of a rattlesnake will sound the rallying cry against the Obama-fronted radical progressive movement. As Mr. VerBruggen points out, the flag has become a staple of TEA Party rallies nationwide. As an NRA life member, it was easy for me to order a yellow rattlesnake/NRA hat directly. You can do the same by visiting NRA.com. Ultimateflags.com has a nice inventory of Liberty or Death, Don’t Tread on Me flags. The yellow flag was first flown aboard a colonial troop ship on January 4, 1776. – Dick Young
Executive Power Politics – The Wall Street Journal
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