What Republicans Should Do Now – The WSJ
Obamacare cuts $1.8 billion in support for Medicare Advantage this October, another $5.8 billion in October 2011 and an additional $9.2 billion right before the 2012 presidential elections. Obamacare double counts Social Security payroll taxes, long-term care premiums and Medicare savings in order to appear more fiscally responsible. Republicans, Mr. Rove explains, have a powerful rallying cry in “Repeal, Replace and Reform.” And as I have been writing, Republicans must continue to press for curbing junk lawsuits, enabling people to buy insurance across state lines and increasing the amount of money they can sock away tax-free for medical expenses. – Dick Young
Debt Fears Send Rates Up – The WSJ
The fiscal irresponsibility of both the Bush and Obama administrations guarantees much higher interest rates ahead. There is simply no way around it. Small business owners, the backbone of the economy, know it and will refuse to hire, making the economic recovery a hollow one. – Dick Young
Repeal and Replace – the corner, National Review
The health-care disaster will certainly be repealed. Americans want it repealed and know we cannot afford the health-care bill. Thanks to the Obama administration, America is on the verge of losing its AAA credit rating. Did you know that Berkshire Hathaway and Johnson & Johnson are today borrowing money more cheaply than is Uncle Sam? To stabilize our finances, the first step is to repeal Obamacare. – Dick Young
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