Gun ownership goes to the heart of what it means to be a responsible citizen in our constitutional republic. It goes to the heart of what it means to be a responsible parent or spouse. It isn’t merely about hunting, or the joy of an afternoon at the firing range, or “looking tough.” It isn’t about fear. It’s about autonomy, independence, and a deep and self-sacrificial regard for the lives of those you love. It’s about exercising the fundamental human right to defend oneself and others.
Even though President Obama’s latest executive orders on gun control will not get him much closer to enacting the type of control he’d like to see, his tears lay down a marker for the Left, warns David French in NRO. The war on guns really matters to the Left, which will strive to turn popular culture against guns and especially against gun owners.
“… the Left will attempt to shame America into political change, to use the same tactics — and the same depth of emotion — that transformed American culture on issues such as gay marriage and transgender rights.”
Read more from David French here.
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